10 Remarkable Earth Facts - Facts About Earth - Earth Facts

Mount Everest's Growth: The highest point on Earth, Mount Everest, is still growing. Due to the collision of the Indian and Eurasian tectonic plates, Everest's height increases by about 4 millimeters (0.16 inches) every year.Earth's Magnetic Field: Earth's magnetic field is generated by the movement of molten iron in its outer core. This field is w

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Amazing Mind Blowing Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

So here are some of the mind blowing factsSweating can temporarily shrink the brain.Australia is wider than moon.Mosquitoes have 47 teeth.The average raindrop falls at 7 mph.Our brain remains alive for 7 mins after our death.The food you make may not taste as good as the food someone else makes, despite having the same recipe.If we have a Plan B, P

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What are The Advantages of Bullet Train?

The advantages of bullet trains include high-speed travel and reduced environmental impact. Bullet trains offer efficient transportation and contribute to a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions, making them an environmentally friendly option.With their advanced technology and streamlined design, these trains provide a comfortable and convenient mod

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What is an Interesting Facts About Earth-MQSinfo.com

Earth has a unique feature called the "Goldilocks Zone," which allows for the existence of liquid water. This makes our planet the perfect spot for life as we know it.As the third planet from the sun, Earth is in the habitable zone where conditions are just right for water to remain liquid. This allows for the existence of life as it provides the e

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